Customer Incentives

Encouraging sustainable choices

In 2011 we installed a complimentary Vestal filtered water station in Mures Lower Deck.  We were the prototype business for this style of water system, and it was installed to encourage customers to use reusable water bottles and cups, while also ensuring the elimination of single use plastic water bottles from the business.  Customers can choose from sparkling, still and cold water on tap.

As part of the City of Hobart’s Water Refill Program, we are also registered on “Tap – Find Water Anywhere”.  This app is available from the App Store and Google Play which anyone can use to locate their nearest free water refill station. 

In 2018, we established a 50c discount for all beverages purchased from the café in Mures Lower Deck (eg. tea, coffee, milkshakes etc) if the customer was able to provide us with a reusable cup.  This led us to register Lower Deck as a participant in the Responsible Cafes movement, which tracks businesses who offer such incentives.  This promotion has currently been halted due to Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines.