Crab Gumbo Recipe

Gumbo is a West African name for vegetable okra. As with all Creole and Cajun dishes it is usually on the spicy side.

(for 6)
50ml peanut oil                                                                  1 bay leaf
1 onion skinned and finely chopped                                  grated rind and juice of a small lemon
2 cloves of garlic minced                                                   200 g red crab meat
1 large red capsicum oiled, baked, skinned a                    800 mL fumet
and finely chopped                                                            200g white crab meat
300g okra (tinned or fresh)                                               salt a cayenne pepper
1 x 425g tin of tomato puree                                             6 tbsp cooked rice

Cook oil, onion and garlic in a large pot over a moderate heat for 5 minutes. Do not allow to brown. Add capsicum, tomatoes, bay leaf, grated lemon rind, lemon juice, red crab meat and fumet. Bring to the boil, season with salt and cayenne pepper and simmer for 20 minutes. Add white crab meat and reheat. Serve over cooked rice.


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